Exhibition: The One and Only Blessed Virgin Mary (4F)

Japanese ivory sculpture writer “Shimizu Nobuo” written by

The only Virgin Mary

A special area is located on the fourth floor, separate from other exhibition zones. Throughout the year, this special space is dedicated to the “Exhibition: The One and Only Blessed Virgin Mary” in which you can enjoy exceptional pieces of art that make you lose the sense of time.

Receive the blessing from the seven graceful statues of Virgin Mary: “Ivory Statue of Madonna and Child with White Lilies,” “Ivory Statue of Madonna and Child,” “Ivory Statue of Madonna of the Book,” “Ivory Statue of Madonna and Child with Halos,” “Ivory Statue of the Holy Family (the Virgin and Child),” “Ivory Statue of the Virgin Mary of Lourdes” and “Ivory Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary.”

These Virgin Mary statues are masterpieces sculpted on ivories of the foremost quality by Japanese ivory sculptor, Master Shinsho Shimizu, with his sophisticated techniques.

All the pieces are 120 to 150cm tall and weigh 25 to 35kg


Exhibition Room

floor map


4F Exhibit
Mr. Nobusu Shimizu’s work
Ishiwatari Hogetsu ivory carved items

Exhibition of Virgin Mary the only one